Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My thoughts on existentialism

How did I come to this world? Why was I not consulted? All these absurd questions actually have simple answers. Your parents gave birth to you. Now you ask, why then did you let me be born in this world? I didn't ask for it. In reality you have been consulted. However, at that time you only have the intelligence of two cells, (sperm + egg).

Death. It's inevitable. However, people fear death because they say they fear something that we cannot comprehend. Its all crap. Death is when our cognitive ceases to function thus the physical body stops functioning. All people have experienced a zero cognitive state; when we were infants. However, why don't we remember any of it? Simple, memories are one branch of the cognitive. Thus why do we fear death now?
"You are most alive as you die" That is crap. If that is true, you would have feared death. This is because you are approaching the biggest fear, the final test. Thus it becomes a significant event. In reality, when you die, you do not cease to exist. You existence is permanent. Even though people might forget about you, the fact that you have lived will always be there. Thus why do we fear death so much? Is it because of greed? Greed in desiring to do things before you die. Is it because it is so unpredictable? No, people fear death because death is like a dead end. Death implies that this is it. It is over. People cannot accept that fact. Thus God is created.

God. The idea of God is all false. God is created by humans in an image of man. Why? God presents is a role-model for man. Religion then is formed as a moral guideline for man to follow. This keeps people from killing each other off as each person seeks acceptance form others. However, God is also a scapegoat. An image we can always blame and turn to in times of need. This is a form of alienation as people turn away from each other.

Why then do we all experience a feeling of being separate, lost, confused etc? It is simple. With our little knowledge, we try avoid the facts by creating subjective reasons. For example, you and your friends have different interests. You then give reasons like other people might like the same stuff as me. Those people are trying to avoid me. Etc. Etc. It's all crap. The simple fact was you people do not have the same interest. Period.

What is happiness? It is to be happy. Wrong. Happiness is a comparison of a bad event to a good one. However, happiness does not make a person happy. Why? A happy person needs a balance of despair, anxiety, angst as well as happy moments. Thus we are able to make comparisons and feel content.

Am I simply a small speck in the universe in a world that has no meaning? Yes. You are just a speck. The world by itself doesn't mean anything. Its just a ball with mass floating in the universe. However, humans tries to make it complicated and tried to put meanings to the world.

I agree with Satre.